

This is a single-page text editor that runs in a browser and meets the PWA criteria. It has a number of data persistence techniques in case one of the options is not supported by the browser. The application is deployed on Heroku and also functions offline. The Github repo is https://github.com/AStandish/text-editor and live site is: https://astandish.github.io/text-editor/ .


Clone my repository on GitHub.

To install the application’s dependencies and devDependencies, run:

npm install To invoke the application, run:

npm run start


Heroku: https://nameless-crag-70278.herokuapp.com/

The screenshots: Screenshot (78) Screenshot (79)


Thanks, per usual, to the Calendely tutors, my TA, and my instructor.


Please refer to the licence in the repo.

How to Contribute

Please let me know if there are any changes that could be made to improve the app.